How to Make Your Kitchen Look Expensive on a Budget – Balanced Living Magazine

You should also think about how much sun your kitchen windows receive. Direct sunlight tends to fade most fabrics. There is a need to think about windows that have protective characteristics if you receive plenty of light through your kitchen windows. Importantly, you should not be so focused on the appearance of your kitchen, that it is too expensive.

Privacy is a crucial factor when choosing window treatments that will make your kitchen appear expensive. Privacy treatments may not be necessary if you do not reside near to your neighbors’ kitchen windows. It is important to think of if your house is in densely populated areas.

How About Some Marble Magic?

Wait a minute. Isn’t marble super expensive? There’s no doubt that it is. However, we aren’t talking about getting to the top to this point. Everyone knows the cost of marble. That means that having it in your kitchen will provide a luxurious look as well, don’t you think? However, it doesn’t address the cost issue. Let’s tackle the issue of cost immediately. There are many ways to achieve the classy and expensive look of marble, even if your budget is limited.

It is not necessary to replace every countertop with marble. Instead, add a handful of suggestions. It’s one of the best ideas for how to transform your kitchen into looking luxurious on a shoestring. If you are not sure what to do, a kitchen countertop contractor is able to assist. You can, for example using a piece made from precut marble for installation in your baking space. Apart from that there are other options to utilize marble tiles for creating an impressive backsplash. You might consider replacing your existing floor tiles by marble ones. All of these are ways to get marble for a budget. While it might not provide similar effect to countertops that are entirely made from marble, you’ll nevertheless be able to create your kitchen appear expensive.


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